User Prompt
Ombudsman: (to administrator)
I need to tell you about some food complaints I have had today. Several of the residents
complained about the food. They said they have had turnips three times this week and they are really tired of them.
Administrator: I don't think you're qualified to criticise the menus. The dietician is trained to follow the guidelines set by the government. I wish you'd stick to your experience.
Ombudsman: But what about the residents' right to have their choices and wishes respected? They could choose not to eat the turnips, but they would really rather have a different choice of vegetables.
Administrator: Who are these people? "Many residents have to follow a diet prescribed by their doctor. We can't give them anything that's not on the prescribed menu.
Ombudsman: Several residents have complained. I think the ones on special diets are aware that they have to follow certain things, they mainly complain about having the same things over and over again and not having any other choice of vegetables.
Administrator: You know that certain residents will complain no matter what we serve them. They want gourmet restaurant service. We're just trying to do the right thing for them and follow the doctor's orders. That's why I need to know who they are so that I can look into these complaints on an individual basis.
Ombudsman: The residents didn't give me permission to use their names. They didn't want to criticise or upset the staff, they're just tired of being fed turnips all the time.