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P (Population): Children aged 3-12 years old diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), specifically exhibiting tactile defensiveness or hypersensitivity. This could be further specified by including details like gender, severity of SPD, or other co-occurring diagnoses if relevant to the research question. For example, "Children aged 5-8 years with a diagnosis of SPD and tactile defensiveness as measured by the Sensory Profile."
I (Intervention): Exposure to sensory bins as a therapeutic intervention. This needs further definition. What types of sensory bins? What is the duration and frequency of exposure? For example, "A structured 30-minute session of sensory bin play, three times per week for eight weeks, using bins containing a variety of textures (e.g., rice, beans, water beads)."
C (Comparison): Creating a sensory diet without the inclusion of sensory bins. This requires a detailed description of the sensory diet. What specific strategies are included? How is it implemented? For example, "Implementation of a sensory diet tailored to individual needs, focusing on strategies such as weighted blankets, deep pressure massage, and movement breaks, but excluding sensory bin activities." Alternatively, a comparison could be a control group receiving no intervention.
O (Outcome): Increased comfort and tolerance of various tactile stimuli. This outcome needs to be measurable. How will comfort and tolerance be assessed? Will it be through observation, parent report, standardized questionnaires (e.g., Sensory Profile, Short Sensory Profile), or a combination of methods? For example, "Improved scores on the tactile defensiveness subscale of the Sensory Profile after eight weeks of intervention, as measured by a pre- and post-intervention assessment."
T (Time): Eight weeks. This is the duration of the intervention and the time frame for assessing the outcome. This could be adjusted depending on the research design.
Therefore, a possible PICOT question could be:
In children aged 5-8 years with a diagnosis of SPD and tactile defensiveness as measured by the Sensory Profile, does a structured 30-minute session of sensory bin play, three times per week for eight weeks, using bins containing a variety of textures (e.g., rice, beans, water beads), lead to greater improvement in scores on the tactile defensiveness subscale of the Sensory Profile compared to the implementation of a sensory diet tailored to individual needs, focusing on strategies such as weighted blankets, deep pressure massage, and movement breaks, but excluding sensory bin activities, after eight weeks of intervention?