Generated on Jan 18, 2025, 9:51:56 PMgemini-1.5-flash
I invite you to connect with your womb now, perhaps to meet her for the first time or visit her for the tenth time. Here lies the womb, the portal between worlds, the sacred space of birth, new life, creativity, creation, source, the feminine, our guiding light. Deep in your body, in the pelvic bowl, lives the second chakra – the sacral chakra. Here lies your magical womb, an incredibly resourceful, strong, intuitive, and resilient cave that nests itself each month for the arrival of the seed of life and then cleanses itself to begin anew, fully supporting your vitality. An organ that can grow 500 times its original size during pregnancy and then return to its original size again. The sacral chakra is associated with the color orange and is home to our feminine power, our connection to ancestry, the red thread of women who came before us in our lineage, throughout the ages, holding us right back to the time of our creation and past lives.
The wisdom, the wounds, the stories, the beliefs, emotions, and experiences of so many thousands are passed onto us in our DNA, condensed, distilled, captured in essence within our bodies. We are the present form of these many lifetimes, the carriers of those before us. We are the keepers of the womb.
The womb is also home to our own current emotions, especially shame, disappointment, sensuality, sexuality, the flow or block of kundalini life force, plus the expression of our conscious and subconscious needs and desires. We can carry deep blocks within our sacral chakra that can keep us disconnected from power.
And so I invite you on a journey into your womb, the place where you belong, the watery, wet, dark, womb-nourishing space within, to connect with her, to love her, to hold space for her, and to give voice to what she needs. To help us let go of what may be within, to help your womb reclaim her voice, to gift her with healing, and to alchemize what is within.
Getting comfortable now, either taking a seat, lying down, resting in any position that feels good to you, make sure your body is supported and held. Closing your eyes, take a breath into the body, down past the throat, down towards your heart space, and just feel your heart receiving this air medicine. And letting the breath go. And on the next breath, taking the medicine down to your belly, allowing your belly to arise with a breath and now letting your breath go with a sigh. Sigh. And on your next breath, this time breathing down to your womb, allowing your womb to receive this fresh air medicine, feeling her rise and letting your breath go with an even louder sigh. Sigh louder.
And now placing two hands over your womb by bringing the tips of your fingers and thumbs together and just pointing your hands down in a triangle, with your thumbs to the top and your fingers reaching down to make a triangle over your womb. In doing this, allow yourself to connect in with your womb. Whether for you she is currently small, similar to the size of your fist, or if she is currently expanding in pregnancy reaching up to the size of a watermelon, or whether now she is shrinking again, either through postpartum or menopause. And just using your breath to bring that air medicine into your womb as an offering, a gentle act of love. Asking your womb for permission to be with her now. If she is not ready, just pause here and accept her truth. You might like to hold your womb, or move one or two hands away from your womb and place them on your heart and instead you can ask your heart for permission to be with her instead. If your womb is a yes, give thanks to her and start by gently holding your tummy over your womb.
And when you are ready, we are going to sink through the body down towards the womb, always checking in with her that she is comfortable that you are there. And so now moving your awareness down through your skin, through the muscle, through the tissues until you reach the outside of your womb and gently asking your womb if she is happy for you to journey inside her to her watery depths. If she is a no, pause here and simply be in the act of holding her in her truth for now. If she is a yes, take yourself down through her muscular wall and within.
Submerging into her depths, she is dark and quiet and watery, you have arrived. As you nestle into her, begin noticing what her inner landscape is like. There may be a beautiful rich bloody lining growing right now depending on your season and cycle, or she may hold a beautiful baby if you are pregnant. If you are menopausal or post-menopausal, she may be slightly smaller, more shrunk in size, and just noticing what you can see there. Is she dark, or even pitch black, or is it dim? Can you see glimpses of light from the outside of the body, or is it quite bright? And what color?
And now noticing how she feels, is she warm like a bath, hot even, or slightly cool? How does her temperature feel on your skin? And what is the sensation you are noticing from being in your womb? Do you notice any texture? Is she sticky, wet, dry, thick, silky, rough, smooth, or even bubbly? Do you notice any sounds, perhaps flowing water, waves sloshing, or is she still? Perhaps there’s grumbling? What can you hear? And can you notice any sounds outside of your body as much as within? And noticing within your womb there may be fibroids, endometriosis, any other scarring…just holding yourself and your womb with great love.
And what is the emotional energy of your womb? Just asking your womb now, how are you feeling? Invite her to tell you and hold space for her to express herself. She may respond with sentences, simple words, or just a feeling. Maybe a visual, patterns, pictures, colors. Or she may not express herself. Just taking that pause and asking her how she is, holding space, allowing her time to answer or to just be without putting any pressure on her to express herself. Just allowing her to be and gratefully receiving whatever she offers to you.
And now inviting your womb to share with you her wisdom as the keeper of the lineage of the wombs before you. Invite her to share with you now how she feels about herself and her experiences. Ask her how she felt about her menarche and her menstrual journey; was she received with love, pride, nurturing, compassion? Or was she denied in some way, was she hidden, suppressed, not validated, whether in any small way or big way, just receiving her experience and truth and inviting her to share her truth of your menstrual journey through her first period, the menstrual years, pregnancy, and postpartum if you have experienced that. Just hearing her side of the story beyond what your mind might have felt or thought. Just creating space for her to speak and receive whatever she wants to offer with you today, knowing this is for your highest good.
Thanking your womb for her vulnerability and courage to express her truth. And finally, inviting your womb to share with you her medicine to take with you when you leave here today. To speak what is most important for you and what you need here, in this moment. Just holding your womb, loving your womb. Offering her great love and compassion even if her relationship with her up to date hasn’t been easy, or if you haven’t had a relationship at all. Offering her great love and thanks for her courage to express herself to you now and decide now whether you would like to consciously create a stronger relationship with her in the future, or if now is the time to begin a new relationship. Or to change the one you already have with your womb, if so just making a promise to yourself and your womb that you will check in with her, invite her to help you make decisions, ask her what she needs, to hear her voice. Offering your womb a healing touch, whether a hug, a gentle stroke, a rub, or just holding her.
It might feel good to move your body now, moving your hips, just moving back and forth, or spiraling, allowing the movement and the breath to heal your womb, to share her wisdom and to integrate your experience. Just breathing and spiraling. And taking another breath deep into your body and letting it go with a sigh sigh. It’s now time to say goodbye and thank you to your womb now. When you are ready, give thanks and begin to retrace your journey back out of the womb, up through the layers of your muscle, tissue, skin, just breathing and bringing your awareness to your belly, your heart, and giving your heart a tender rub and slowly bringing your awareness with your eyes closed back to the room around you. Taking an energizing breath, wiggling your toes and your fingers, and now when your eyes are open and you’ve regained full consciousness, just take your journal and capture what happened and came up for you in this process. Anything big or small. Seemingly important or unimportant. Write it all down. Draw any pictures that appeared in your mind. Tell the story of your journey to your womb. What you experienced within, what guidance, medicine, and reflection she shared with you.